Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wolverine Origins #36 - Marvel

This was a fantastic issue. I have to give Daniel Way credit, he's really done an incredible job with this series. Logan has been trying to catch up with Daken so he can stop him from going through with the Weapon XI procedure. There's only one thing capable of killing Logan, permanently, and that's the Muramasa blade. Romulus has manipulated him into going through the same procedure as Logan, using the metal from the blade instead of Adamantium. When he recently attacked the X-Men, he didn't obtain the sword, but . . they shattered it, and Daken picked up a couple of the pieces. The Tinkerer does the procedure, however, he doesn't do the whole thing, skeleton and all, as we expected. Instead the Tinkerer has manufactured Adamantium sheaths to put into his forearms. "The metal cannot come in to contact with your soft tissues without catastrophic results. You're going to have to be extremely careful when you use yours. The metal from the sword blade, and the organic material it's bonded to, can be broken, shattered. The resulting shrapnel would be . . devastating." So now he has 3 claws like his father, but . . one of them comes out of his forearm. And I'm wondering, if the metal can't come into contact with the soft tissues, how does his arm heal up afterwards when he uses them? Wouldn't it kill the tissue where it comes out at? We'll have to wait and see if that's answered in the future. Anyways, in his desperation to get to his son, he finally comes close to Romulus, but has to let him go. Romulus has Victor Hudson protecting him. So, either Logan fights his way through Victor, if he even can, or he goes to try to save his son. But he can't do both. In the end though, Daken wants Romulus as bad as Logan does, so . . he feels that his father has made the wrong decision. And he stabs his father in the heart. Of course Logan recovers and he finds himself, 5 days later in Russia. Since Daken is taking his place in Osborn's Avengers, he's decided to try to lay low. There's a Wolverine still out there so, no one will even know that he's missing. However, unbeknownst to him, trouble has come his way yet again. While he's relaxing in a local bar, we see that Omega Red is being transferred to a gulag in Siberia. It's only a matter of time before these two cross paths again. I thought this was a pretty good issue. The whole thing with Daken didn't go as I expected, but . . it did follow it's course to it's logical conclusion. Daniel's stories have been great and I really enjoyed Doug Braithwaite's pencils. If it wasn't for Mark Millar's recent story-line, I think I might actually like this title more than the main one. Whodathunkit?


  1. I am looking to get into this series I read the first arc but later dropped it. To catch up id look into getting the trades. which ones would you recommend? thanks for your help and great reviews!

  2. If your asking about the Wolverine Origin story-arcs . . I really enjoyed all of them. Up until the recent Daken story-line, I think the Captain America arc was my favorite. I think Daniel Way is doing a great job constructing the various arcs here, and showing how Wolverine is connected to a whole lot of stuff in the Marvel Universe. I mean, we didn't even know about Wolverine until Incredible Hulk, Alpha Flight and when he joined the X-Men. But we find out from these stories just how much he was connected to before all of that. Most of the time (except for the Mark Millar story) I've liked this book better than the main title.
