Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Secret Warriors #4 - Marvel

It seems like Nick has his irons in all the fires. For a guy who's trying to lay low, and under the radar, he seems awful ambitious. He had gathered together his little band of neophytes for the Skrull invasion, but now . . now it seems like he's got his sights set a whole lot higher. First of all . . he's got Daisy and Sebastian off in the Australian Outback. There's another member he wants to recruit for their little band of misfits. He's an aborigine named Eden Fesi and he's a universal shaper. Right now he's under the tutelage and protection of Gateway. You remember him from the X-Men stories, when they were stationed in Australia? Anyways, I guess this guy is even more powerful that Gateway. "He can bend reality . . folding and twisting space-time. Like being a souped-up teleporter" He's very friendly, but . . "I can't go. You're here recruiting for Nick Fury. Gateway said I couldn't go, and if he says I can't go, I can't go." To which Gateway immediately says . . "You can go." Everybody is really confused by this. Gateway is, after all, a man of very few words. "The one-eyed man wanted you for his other group . . not the lady's. Her, you can go with . . she'll protect you." This bewilders Daisy because she has no idea what this 'other group' is that he talks of. However, we know that Nick has figured out that everything is connected to HYDRA. So he's decided he wants to take the fight to them. Plus he's not all that happy with HAMMER right now either. To that end, this issue he meets up with Dum Dum and Gabriel. Basically . . he wants to put together another . . a new . . SHIELD. Apparently, there's 1200 ex-SHIELD agents out there that refused to work for HAMMER. That's the pool he wants to pick from. Like I said, he's pretty ambitious. In the meantime, we see that Alex and JT have decided to go rifling through the old man's office. They aren't necessarily trying to be mischievous. JT just want to know he's doing something for a purpose. "All we do is stumble around in the dark. How can we be expected to fight for something if you don't actually know what that is?" And then . . then they find a secret closet with 5 of Nick's LMD's hidden inside. They're both pretty creeped out. And, in Gehenna, the group that HYDRA has put together . . Madame Hydra, Baron Von Strucker, Gorgon, Hive, Kraken and Viper . . has decided, unanimously, that they are declaring war on Nick Fury. I liked the next issue blurb . . "Next month, all hell breaks loose! It's the Howling Commandos vs. HYDRA vs. HAMMER" Like I've said previously, I picked up this series on a lark. I liked the times that we saw Nick and his group during the invasion, so . . I thought this series might be interesting. So far . . I haven't been let down yet. Brian Bendis and Jonathan Hickman have done a great job of constructing and pacing this story. So far I really like the feel of this book and these characters. This book definitely has a lot of potential. I also really like Stefano Caselli's interpretation. The look and feel of his pencils are perfect for this series. This issue did it's job . . it definitely left me wanting more.

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