Friday, February 29, 2008

Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #5 - DC

This whole series has apparantly come down to fighting one of their own. The Red Bee is basically trying to take over the world. She's in the hive mind now, so she theorizes that the world would be a better place if they adopt that culture. But it's not really going to be a choice. She's already got the rest of the Freedom Fighters tied up and is using them as either mating material, or food for the newborn. She figures their powers will be absorbed in to the collective making them stronger. But, of course, a couple of plans are in place. First, Sam has reached out to Happy Terrill, the first Ray, and asked him to gather a friend to help. So he goes out to the Sahara to ask for the aid of Thomas Corbet. Or, as he's better known, Neon the Unknown. Also there's Lester and Emma, who are trying to rework the experiments that originally shrunk him. They're to important of characters to be on the sidelines, so I'm guessing that somehow they're going to be coming in to play. And somehow, Emma is pregnant. I'm not sure what the signifigance of that is. But . . it's out there. This issue we also see the origin of Andy, the new Human Bomb. He was in Bludhaven when Chemo was dropped, and SHADE found him after he exploded. When the Red Bee is mating with him, he is also building up a energy surge, but the Bee orders Lady Liberty to absorb his charge and dispense it. Supposedly, that's the end of Lady Liberty. Also, I hope they haven't all forgot, that this whole thing started when SHADE tried to create a team to replace the current one. That's really when things started going wrong and this whole thing happened with Red Bee. Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray again do the story. And Renato Arlem is the artist in residence. It's a good book, but right now I feel like the story is a bit convoluted. I'm sure it'll sort itself out in the next 3 issues. But, for now, there's just a lot of variables that we don't know about yet.

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