Sunday, February 24, 2008

100 Bullets #87 - Vertigo

The reason I like this book so much, is because . . . it's like a movie. A really, really long movie. But . . still . . a movie. I mean that in the sense that the way Brain Azzarello writes these scripts . . they're like different scenes in a very long movie. If you take the scene out of context, it can stand alone. But, usually, in the big picture, it's a set-up for something that's coming. He also has a way of leaving you guessing about just what that coming event is. Like a movie, you don't always see the relevance right away . . but . . later on . . when things start to come together, you look back and say, "Oh . . now I get it! That's why they did . . ." Well when I'm reading this book, I have those revelations all the time. I really could see this book made in to a movie. The only problem would be, where would you cut it up for the different chapters? It would be kind of like Star Wars. This great big long saga would have to be cut up in to 5 or 6 different chapters. But, if someone would be willing to invest the money and the time . . . I could see it. In case you haven't guessed . . I really love this book. I think it's one of the best books on the shelves right now. Plus it's consistent. Brian Azzarello, Eduardo Risso and Dave Johnson have been on this book since it's inception. That's almost 9 years of cinematic, and artistic quality that's been the same month after month after month. And, even 9 years later, I'll read through this book and find my self just stopping on a page and looking at the way Eduardo has crafted a certain panel, or scene. The way he uses his colors and his shadows is just incredible. The last page in this book, tells a story all unto itself. I showed my wife the page and asked her what she got out of it. Not having read the book, and having no idea whats going on in the story . . she could tell me exactly the feeling Eduardo was trying to convey. No words on the page, and she knew exactly how the character felt and what he was thinking about. To me . . that's the sign of a true artist.

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