Sunday, February 03, 2008

JLA Classified #50 - DC

This issue starts what's deemed as "An All-New Epic!", but as you read it, you find out that it's rooted in the past. Somehow. It's by Roger Stern, John Byrne and Mark Farmer on inks. Basically, what happens is a meteor crash lands on the moon. Not to far from the Watch-tower. J'onn is on monitor duty, and thinks nothing of it. As it turns out, the meteor was actually a vessel for a being who has nothing but contempt for the League. He makes his way to the tower, and after breaking in, makes pretty short work of J'onn, John Stewart, and Wally. That's when Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and the Atom are called in. Batman sends in the big two to face off first. He wants to see what he's up against. And again he takes them down with relative ease. Leaving Batman and the Atom to contemplate just how they're going to approach such a powerful being. The whole time, during this battle, he keeps going on about how he knows the League. They're changed, but, he's faced them before. It's been a while though because he knew Superman as being much younger, and the newer member, he didn't know at all. He also doesn't seem to be of this Earth, because when he's looking at the monitors, he's talking about the planet like some-place he's come to on vacation before. He know it, and he knows it's people, but, he doesn't think of it as home. I also think he doesn't realize the extent of the technology. At the end of the issue, J'onn is in the infirmary . . in a coma . . and he's trying to call out to the rest of the team. "I . . I know our enemy. He nearly destroyed the League before. We thought him vanquished . . . with his return, the Earth itself is in jeopardy! John . . can't you hear me? Can't anyone hear me? Listen to me! You must! Or all is lost!" Interesting! We'll have to see where it goes from here.

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