Sunday, February 10, 2008

Checkmate #22 - DC

Well, this issue wraps up the story about the Black Queen's Knight . . Josephine Tautin . . ."Mademoiselle Marie". She's kind of like another Joan of Arc for France. Except that her legacy and beliefs are passed down generation after generation. Josephine has been "Mademoiselle Marie" for about nine years now. At that time, she took the name from Sabine. Which makes her about the eighth in the line, which goes back to the French Revolution. Her storyline intertwines with her current mission. The man whom she had to forsake for her higher calling, Thierry Desmarais, has had his daughter recently kidnapped by a terrorist group that is hiding out in the Bialyan mountains. She's taken on the mission of retrieving her because of her connection to Thierry, but also because of all of their connection to France. Which, ultimately, is whom she serves. It was a very touching story. It was moving and disturbing at the same time. But now that we've accomplished it, we can move on to some regular Checkmate stories. Maybe we'll find out what their plans are about this whole Amanda Waller, and the Suicide Squad. Maybe not. But whatever the case, with Greg Rucka at the helm, you can be assured that it's going to be a heck of a ride. This was a great story, and the whole series overall has been superb. The structure and characters of this incarnation are much improved over the last. But . . that was about 12 to 15 years ago . . . so . . . .

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