This issue is the wrap up to the 24 issue run of Joss Whedon and John Cassaday. It's finally over! I don't mean that negatively. I mean that . . finally . . we get to see how they're going to wrap this whole thing up, and set up the ending for the next creative team, so they'll be able to hop right in. Right? Wrong! They're going to drag 1 more book out of this. We're going to get a Giant Sized Astonishing X-Men #1. Of course. Why would I think anything else? It becomes fairly obvious, about half way through this book, that there's no way for them to wrap this story-line this issue. I'm actually kind of wondering how they're even going to wrap it up with 1 more issue. There's going to be a lot of stuff packed in to that one issue. But . . since it's Joss and John . . we'll deal with it . . and smile. And bend over and say . . "Thank You! May I have another?". I'm just playin'! I love this book as much as the rest of you. It's easily the best X-Men book on the shelves. Joss is incredible with his scripts. And John . . . what can I say? John is a treasure. The only bad thing about him being on this book is that he hasn't put out as many Planetary issues. But again . . since it's John . . we can wait. I still say, if they don't use these guys for another X-Men movie . . . they're crazy. They have the perfect feel for it. In case you haven't noticed . . I'm trying to stay away from any details about the story. The book is so good, that you should have to go out a pick up a copy. Or two! You want to get both covers . . right? The book . . and the entire run, for that matter . . . really is that good. I'm sure it'll be out in TPB soon enough. So then you really have no excuse.
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