Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Spawn #194 - Image

Apparently, somewhere between the solicitation of this book, and when it was actually released . . plans were changed for this storyline. In the solicitation it reads, "Endgame - Part 10: Get ready for Violator vs Spawn! Violator returns to have his first encounter with the new Spawn. Meanwhile, the Clown continues to manipulate from behind the scenes." Plus it shows the wrong cover. This issue is nothing like that. Here, we're introduced to some new characters . . a crime-family of sorts that seems to be headed by a Mr. Nortega. They have something to do with St Anthony's hospital. They're worried about all the press coverage it's been getting with the recent debacle, but they're most concerned with retrieving 'Patient 47', Jim Downing, the new Spawn. However, I gotta believe they're more than just some normal crime-family. Somehow this hospital has to be connected with Malebolgia or hell . . or something. We don't get into the specifics much this issue, I think this was just a 'meet and greet' for us readers. However, the one guy that does come back to the family with information, Gilbert Sanchez, is quickly 'dispatched' after he reveals him knowledge. "How dare any of you entrust our secrets to rank amateurs! Our livelihoods are at stake and you're sending boys to do mens' work!" Meanwhile, Jim is searching for Gilbert because of his 'visits' to Sara's apartment. He doesn't have many friends so he's very protective of her. And, the Clown has escaped incarceration. He was only actually there to Claudio a message anyways. But . . now Sam & Twitch have another mystery on their hands. Also the reporter for the Clarion, Marc Rosen, isn't giving up on the story yet. He's convinced that there's something going on with St Anthony's. This issue he gets an anonymous tip about Jim's name and identity. Then, I'm a bit confused. Jim goes to Gilbert's house to talk to him, but . . Mr Nortega had Gilbert killed in the beginning of the issue. Anyways, they start to talk, but then we see on the final page that his house is blown up. Whilce Portacio is back on the pencils this issue, so the book looks fantastic. I'm a huge fan of this book. I actually like the way Todd makes his story-lines go on for such an extended period of time. It's kind of the way life is. It's not neat and tidy . . it's messy, and convoluted. And things don't always get wrapped up quick and easy. It just astounds me that it's been almost 20 years already. Where does the time go?

1 comment:

  1. yeah I agree Spawn is still a great book. Ive recently come back to it after a number of years and I am in the process of trying to pick up all the back issues I've missed. I love where the book is going and its almost always been a good read.

    Great review by the way.
