Sunday, January 31, 2010

X-Men Legacy #232 - Marvel

This is all a bit confusing, but . . because of this whole Necrosha thing, and Selene, Proteus has been brought back and he's attacking the X-Men that have come to Muir island. But . . he's not really part of the whole techno-organic virus thing. As it turns out . . Proteus was never really dead. 'He's a lattice of energy. He inhabits bodies briefly, uses them as storage batteries, then moves on when they're empty. We should have considered the implications of that. When he dispersed his being and seemed to die . . he just entered a low-energy resting state. Dead and alive at the same time. He remained like that for years. Then something moved in those borderlands. Moved in the wrong direction. Something came back from death into life, and a little piece of Proteus was carried with it. Destiny was part of it. He knew now that he couldn't die. He wanted to be free from the prison he'd made for himself. So he distorted Destiny's visions of the future. Made her think she was passing on a warning, when in fact she was triggering all this. Proteus did something to Blindfold's mind. Made her into a psychic magnet, so she could collect up the rest of his fragments. Then she got the final piece from Destiny and went critical.' However, the other problem is . . Proteus can now inhabit more than one vessel at a time. He starts out with Blindfold, but then during their fight also possess' Kurt. The rest of them try to get back to the Blackbird . . to make a break for it. But it isn't long before Proteus . . both of him, catch up to the girls. Basically he uses them against each other, until he possess' all of them. Well . . all but Rogue and Magneto. And Peter too, since he's unconscious. Anyways, Rogue starts fighting him with Psylocke's powers, but it's Magneto that seems to be the weight that tips the scale. For some reason Proteus seems to be scared of him. He hasn't killed him when he could have, and . . rather than fight him, he tossed him across the island. So Magneto forces his hand by tearing up a chunk of the island and sending them both up into the atmosphere. The X-Men have a lot of firepower assembled here. But I don't know if even this will be enough to take down Proteus. And what about Destiny and Blindfold? Will they be able to save their friends. We'll have to wait 1 more issue for the wrap-up of this tale. This issue is brought to us by Mike Carey and Clay Mann. I enjoyed it. I thought it was entertaining. But . . when dealing with a character like Proteus . . there's just so many unanswered questions. With a power over all of reality . . there's so many different ways this could've gone. Even though it'll be hard for them to beat him . . it almost seems like he's holding back for some reason. Come back next month for the answers. Hopefully!

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