Sunday, January 31, 2010

Billy Batson and the Magic of SHAZAM! #12 - DC

This issue, Billy beats Mr Mind, but . . things aren't quite back to normal yet. This story-arc kind of tied in with the Monster Society of Evil mini-series. It kind of showed us how the 2 series fit together. Basically, Mr Mind has been on . . well, Billy's mind ever since that story. Which is why Billy has been so irritable and tired. Mr Mind was using him to make some devices and stuff while he was sleeping. At first it was the only time that he was actually able to take control of his actions. But, even though by the end of the story Mr Mind is defeated . . the monsters are still running around loose out there. And Tawky Tawny seems to be stuck somewhere in transition between his Tiger form and his human form. Which is really taking a toll on both his body and psyche. Right now the city is a mess. There's a lot to clean up. Also Billy doesn't seem to be quite back to normal yet. Maybe after a few days of sleep. I thought it was an interesting book. Art Baltazar and Franco wrote it, with Byron Vaughns doing the art.

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