Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wolverine Weapon X #9 - Marvel

Well it seems that this story was designed to introduce us to a new evil menace in Logan's life, Dr Rot. His actual name is Doctor Rotwell and he was the self-appointed administrator of Dunwich Sanatorium. He comes from a family of crazies and psychopaths. But this Dr Rot has a special kind of obsession. He likes to work with people's brains. In the Sanatorium he built a machine out of brains. He calls it the 'God Brain Machine'. And he used it to control all the people in this hospital. Including Logan. But Melita, the San Francisco Post reporter that Logan was working with, sensed that he was in trouble and called the X-Men. Nightcrawler and Psylocke show up to help. When they find the 'God Brain Machine', Psylocke discovers that it's also a bomb. 'If it were to blow, the resultant psychic blast-wave would likely drive everyone in a nine mile radius completely and irrevocably insane.' So she dismantles the bomb while Kurt goes off to help Logan. In the end they beat Dr Rot, but . . he uses another brain to escape. And later, when Logan is at Melita's apartment, we found out that Dr Rot gained some knowledge why he was routing around in Logan's brain. He calls the apartment and says a phrase that makes Logan do whatever he says. Obviously this story isn't over. And I really think this arc was all about introducing us to this psychopath. Jason Aaron did a fantastic job here. And I actually liked Yanick Paquette's pencils. Since I liked this story-arc so much . . I'll stick with this series for a little while longer. We'll see how the next one goes.

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