Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blackest Night - the Flash #2 - DC

In these last 3 spin-offs of the Blackest Night . . Flash, Wonder Woman and the JSA . . we seem to be getting the most insight into the characters involved. This issue operates on two fronts. First we have the Rogues breaking into Iron Heights to try to confront, and stop these Black Lantern Rogues. Then we see the effects of Barry being given a Blue ring by Saint Walker. Remember . . in issue #6 of Blackest Night, the 'New Guardians' were given the resource to temporarily deputize someone for their cause. Saint Walker . . or rather the Blue ring, ends up picking Barry. At the same time, Nekron has put a black ring on the hands of all of the heroes that have died and come back. So Barry is fighting and trying to save Bart. He's not like the other Black Lanterns. He's still alive. But he's alive . . wearing a Black ring. And Barry won't give up hope in saving him. He also saves Jason from the Ronnie Raymond Firestorm construct. Meanwhile, as the Rogues come up against their dark counterparts, there's a few things that come to light. The Black Top asks the Weather Wizard . . 'Do they know Mardon? Do they know how we planned to take out Snart and control the Rogues before I died?' I think that may be something that comes back later. Plus, as Capt Cold is about to take out Black Boomerang Owen comes rushing in. 'I can't let you hurt my father. I'm going to help you dad. I know how to bring you back.' I love the way Geoff Johns writes these characters. It's great to see the Rogues back together again. Even if it is under these circumstances. Plus, since Geoff is writing Flash Rebirth, I think it's only natural that he's handling this part of the story. It was said way up front that the Flash was going to play an important part in this overall story. But we still haven't seen what that is yet. And Scott Kolins returns to the character that put him back on the map. I loved his influence on the Flash book, and I'm glad to see that he's back doing this character again. Even if it is only for a few issues. I can't wait to see how this one wraps up next month.

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