Sunday, January 31, 2010

Justice League - Cry for Justice #6 - DC

Unfortunately Mauro Cascioli doesn't do the interior art this issue. I guess he took a little break. But, he does still provide an amazing cover. Scott Clark does the art instead. He uses a painted style, much like Mauro's. Actually, now that I think about it, in the back of the book James Robinson is talking about how he won't have any commentary in the next issue, so it'll be 30 pages of story and art. I'm guessing that's why Mauro isn't on this issue. Scott probably pitched in to help him out so that he could finish all of those pages. I'm sure it'll look amazing. Anyways, this issue we're closer to finding out what Prometheus' plan is. Supergirl ferrets out that Shazam! isn't actually Freddie. It's odd that she's the only one that caught on. It's actually Prometheus in camouflage so that he can get aboard the JLA satellite. As he tries to make his way to the main computer room, it's interesting how he has a stratagem for taking out each of the JLA members, one by one. He also uses their fighting tactics against one another. He gets especially creative with Ray Palmer. And then he meets Shade and Jay Garrick. They don't beat him, but . . they do slow him down long enough for Donna to get back into the fray . . full of pain, and rage, and frustration. Shade actually has to pull her off of him. 'The last time I checked in the big book of superhero by laws and whatnot . . your kind doesn't kill. Unless you want to go down the dark lanes that I amble, I'd stop now . . for the next blow will surely be his end. Besides, you've won. No need to show off.' With him trussed up he begins to spill his plans. Basically, he wants to encase and steal the home-cities of these various heroes. Much in the way Brainiac does. Except, he wants to send them through time and space to never be seen again. 'With limitless possibilities of where they'd been sent, you'd never find them. With the dead, you mourn and move on. With this you'd be tortured forever.' He needed the satellite because he had to harness a whole bunch of solar energy to pull this off, plus he needed a computer big enough. The reason he's spilling his plan is because it's been operational ever since he stepped on the deck. But now instead of revenge, he wants freedom. If they let him go he'll tell them where each teleportation device is, and how to deactivate it. And, just in case they think he's trying to bluff . . 'The other cities' destruction will begin in an hour . . if I'm not released. But for Star City . . that destruction began 5 minutes ago.' Man, 'oh man what a fantastic book. The only thing missing out of this issue is . . where is Congo Bill's team? James has done a superb job with this book. I can't wait to see how it's all wrapped up next issue. And . . what'll carry over to his run on the regular JLA title. Of which I'm equally as excited. Scott did a great job of filling in for Mauro this issue. The book didn't miss a beat. I have a feeling there's going to be a bunch of the JLA character's lives changed by the events of this series.

1 comment:

  1. read the whole series
    packed quite a wallop

    esp. the ending
