Sunday, January 31, 2010

the Atom and Hawkman #46 - DC

This was a fantastic book, but . . then again what else would you expect from Geoff Johns and Ryan Sook. This issue was mostly about Ray Palmer dealing with the power and responsibility that he was recently given by the Indigo tribe. He's fighting the Jean Loring Black Lantern, as well as the Hawkman and Hawkgirl Black Lantern. We also learn a little bit about how the Indigo's powers work. 'The ring is able to teleport you to those that need aid. As well as heal them. And when you are within the vicinity of another Lantern you are capable of reconfiguring our light into theirs. Listen for them. Feel them.' Now, on top of all the other fighting, Indigo wants to contact the tribe. With all the Black Lanterns headed toward Earth she wants to tell them whats going on, and get them to contact the homeworlds of the rest of the Corps and bring those armies to Earth. However for such a long message, both in distance and time, it's going to require most of her concentration. While she's out . . she wants Ray to protect her and keep her alive. So he uses what he's been taught and taps into the powers of the other Lanterns. But that's when Jean attacks. She pulls Ray and herself both in to Indigo's ring. Which severely disorients her. However, once he beats her, by tapping into Hal's ring, Indigo is once again able to continue and finish her message. 'Atom. You just saved the universe.' But now he wants something in return. 'Help me figure out how to bring Hawkman and Hawkgirl back to life.' Oh. Is that all? Is that even possible? Well . . we won't know anything else until Blackest Night #7. And that won't be out until Feb 24th. I think this is the last of the Blackest Night final issue books. Oh wait, I'm sorry. I misspoke. We still have the Question out next week. I thought this set of books was a great addendum to the Blackest Night series. Plus . . it was a really original idea. I think this has been my favorite so far. But I always was kind of fond of Ray's character.

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