Monday, January 18, 2010

the Power of SHAZAM! #48 - DC

This is another issue for which I had no idea what to expect. I mean . . from the cover, it looks like we'll be delving into the story of Osiris and Isis, and maybe Black Adam. All of that happened shortly before WWIII, which was a direct result of thier deaths and Black Adam's jump over the ledge. But, I was a little worried about how connected it would be, since Jerry Ordway wasn't involved at all with this chapter. This chapter's creative reins are handled by Eric Wallace and Don Kramer. Unfortunately, I don't have the final issue of the Power of SHAZAM in this blog because it ended 5 or 6 years before I started this. But most of this story actually comes from the 52 series. Anyways, Osiris was killed when Sobek, his Alligator friend, ate him. Why? He said he was hungry. So this story actually revolves around the 2 of them. Osiris is brought back, but because of his magic . . I guess, he's resistant to the Black Ring's influence. After breaking out of his tomb, he just wants to know what has happened to his beloved country, Kahndaq, and where Black Adam and Isis have gone to. He doesn't remember anything of what happened at the end, other than his guilt over killing an innocent . . by accident. All he was trying to do was protect his sister. But that was his downfall. Then, while in this state of confusion, Sobek shows up. They fight, but in the end . . Osiris gives up his life to save the people he loves . . the people of Kahndaq. As Sobek is about to eat his heart, again, Osiris says Black Adams name and the lightning breaks their connection with the rings. This time . . they're both really dead. And this time Osiris dies a hero . . beloved by his people. Personally, I thought this story went a lot better than I expected it to. We really only see Billy and Mary for a couple of panels . . when Mary runs across some footage on the internet of what's happening in Kahndaq. But I think it all went down so fast that they really didn't have a chance to get involved. And this really wasn't their story anyways. It was Osiris'. And I thought Eric did a good job with that story. I also enjoyed Don's art. It was finished a little differently this issue, from his previous work, but . . I liked it. It had kind of a raw, gritty feel to it. It was perfect for this story. Also, I guess I misspoke. Jerry Ordway was involved. He did the cover. I didn't realize that at first. Anyways, overall I thought it was a good issue. Any chance to get another look at the SHAZAM! characters is a plus for me.

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