Saturday, January 12, 2008

X-Men - Die by the Sword #5 - Marvel

What a fantastic ending to this mini-series. It seems that the only person that was lost to us, well . . . other than a multitude of the Captain Britain Corps, was Roma. So now, there's no one to guard the Omni-verse. Saturyn tries to talk Albion in to the job, but he's got something else he has to do. I'm sorry. I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. First of all, Jaspers was defeated. Well . . actually, he was taken over by the Fury. Which is when Brian returned, and, shortly after that Albion. They fought the Fury to a standstill, but it was Blink that provided the decided factor. While it was weakened, she loaded it up with her spires and "blinked" it out of existence, one piece at a time. So it appears defeated. For now. Rouge Mort was also defeated, but not before she stabbed Roma. In the final moments of her existence she transferred all of her knowledge in to Sage. It was her way of denying her father, Merlyn. He was then beaten down by Betsy. Not entirely. But, she definitely weakened him. The rest of the group were about to finish the job when he pulled his vanishing act. "I will deal with you all in good time. And without the slightest shred of mercy!" But, as he's disappearing, you see a piece of the Fury jumping in to him. So that story's probably not over yet either. And now we come to the point of - who goes where? Albion gave his word that he would return to fulfill he sentence when this was over, so he's going back to jail. But Saturyn says she'll work on getting him out. Brian is going back to Earth, as is Pete, Allison and Longshot. It looks like the people that will be staying with the Exiles, in the Crystal Palace, will be Kitty, Betsy, Sage, Thunderbird, Nocturne, Rouge, Morph, Blink and Creed. But where do we go from here? Well, Exiles #100 will be out shortly. The next week, Exiles: Days of then and now will be out. And then, about 2 weeks later, the Exiles will be returning in New Exiles #1. Fan-frikkin-tastic!! I really can't wait. The only thing that would make this better, is if we would see the return of ExCalibur also. One can hope. Right?

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