Monday, January 21, 2008

Wolverine - Firebreak #1 - Marvel

Ok, first the good news, it's a Wolverine book. Ha ha! I'm sorry. That's not the only good news. I just thought that was funny. This book contains 2 stories, and actually, both stories are good. The first is by Mike Carey and Scott Kolins. It's about a family, in a cabin, that gets caught in the middle of a wild-fire. Hence the title. It's a good human interest story. Basically, the family is on it's last leg, because of the husband's indiscretion. They thought they'd get away and try to fix things. But, as is the case with most couples, they don't do the one thing they should . . . talk! Long story short, they go through a life harrowing experience, between the fire and a hidden HYDRA bunker. Luckily, they come out of it alive. In doing so they realize how important life is, and how important the people in it are. The second story, I think, is by some new-comers, Macon Blair and Vasilis Lolos. It's also pretty decent. It's about a rich man's son who gets mixed up in the wrong crowd. Which puts him in jeopardy, because it puts him in a place he shouldn't have been. Which then enabled someone to use his prominence for their own gain. It's Wolverine's job to retrieve him. But this one doesn't end the way you'd expect it to. Like I said, both stories were good. Now the bad news . . . why was this special edition necessary? I mean, the stories weren't all that important. And the talent on the book was only mediocre. I'm really not trying to degrade anyone. I'm a fan of Mike and Scott's. But . . . it's not like it was a special Adam Hughes book. Or any other one of the top artists right now. It was just a book. With 2 stories that could've been back-ups in any of the regular Wolverine titles. Which I guess is my question. I don't understand why they weren't. Why did we have to spend $4 on a special Wolverine book that could've just been a part of any of the regular titles? I'm sorry. It really bothers me when these companies just push off stuff on us that they'll hope we buy, just because it contains a popular character. But I guess that answers the question also. They do it because they can, and because we give in and buy it. They wouldn't do it if it didn't sell. So it's really our own fault.

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