Saturday, January 12, 2008

Nightwing #139 - DC

This issue was fantastic. It really showed the bond between Nightwing and Robin. They're really more like 2 brothers, than anything. Last issue . . or chapter . . Robin got it in his head that he may be able to use the Lazarus Pit to bring back some of the loved ones that he's lost over the course of the last year. I Ching showed up and tried to talk him out of it, but he realized that the more he fought him, the stronger his resolve became. Nightwing attempts the same thing. And eventually comes to the same conclusion. So he just has to step back and let him do what he's going to do. He has to trust him to make the right decision. Which he does . . . finally. But in the meantime, they've wasted a lot of time. So they decide that in order to accomplish their immediate task, that of helping Batman and stopping Ra's, they're best bet it so team up with Talia, and hurry up and get to Nada Parabat. Luckily, Nightwing brought the Jet, and Alfred along. So they make pretty good time. But, by the time they get there, Ra's has Damian by the neck, in the throes of killing him. You can see his essence starting to rise as it's beginning to look for a new home. And now, we move in to the final chapter in Detective #839. Fabian Nicieza does such a great job with these stories. His characterization and interactions between characters are perfect. You can really feel the frustration that Robin is feeling. And the lust they feel when they see Talia. Also Don Kramer did a great job on the pencils. Next issue we get our new creative team on board. It'll consist of Peter J Tomasi, Rags Morales and Michael Bair. I can't wait.

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