Monday, January 21, 2008

Ultimate Fantastic Four #49 - Marvel

This particular issue was kind of a let down to me. Unless it's setting up something for the future . . . I don't really know what the whole purpose of it was. A Dr. Kragoff invited Reed and Sue to Russia, for a science symposium. Supposedly. What he really wanted was Sue's DNA to try to bring his wife back to life. Yeah . . . that sounds like a plan that's going to work. Anyways, Sue is mad at Reed because he's been spending so much time in the lab, so she goes on her own. Another brilliant move. Well . . her plane is shot down. She's abducted by the good doctor. And as he's explaining his plans to her, he is killed by his assistant Rutskeye. She decides that she wants Sue's powers for her own. Well in the scuffle, Rutskeye gets caught in the labs laser and transforms herself in to the Red Ghost. She also apparently can absorb the DNA of those around her, so she becomes a mass collective of all the various lab animals that are in her immediate vicinity. Reed finds out what's happening, so of course he and Johnny and Ben rush off to Syberia. There, somehow, they hook up with the Crimson Dynamo. Reed wants to get Sue out. Rutskeye wants to keep Sue in. Both guys fight. The lab explodes. And our team of heroes are only saved because of Sue's trusty energy field bubbles. Bing Bang Boom! They head back home. But when they get to New York, they find out that the city is encased in some kind of energy cube. Hmmm! I wonder if this has anything to do with the cosmic cube thingy that Reeds been trying to build? To coincidental? We'll see. Anyways, I thought that this issue just lacked the usual pizazz that comes with these Ultimate titles. It was just kind of . . . . there. Something to do on a Saturday afternoon. Know what I mean? Just not to thrilled with it. It was brought to us by Mike Carey and Mark Brooks.

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