Saturday, January 12, 2008

Countdown presents - the Search for Ray Palmer - Red Son #1 - DC

To be honest with you, when the Elseworlds version of this book came out, I didn't really get in to it. It was an interesting enough story . . just not my cup of tea. This chapter of it though I found a bit more interesting. We go back in to the Stalin-Superman version of Russia. And once again we find the man we love to hate, the supreme ruler. But on their search, our Challengers also find Ray Palmer. Well . . at least a version of him. It's actually this world's Ray Palmer. But, he does say that he met him a few days ago. He told him he was trying to save the Universe and he was putting a force together to do so. It kind of sounds like what Monarch is doing, but, you know, on the right side of the fence. We also see this world's version of Batman. He's got a plan already formulated to take down the Comrade of Steel, and he's glad to have the help of these outsiders. But the kink in their plan is Wonder Woman. This world's version is fiercly loyal to Superman, and also, I believe, just as in love with him. Well, plus, Superman has all those Brainiacs running around helping him too. Eventually they make it back to their journey, but the almost lose their frontal lobe in the process. All dissidents in this country are labotomized. It was an interesting story. At least we got a glimmer of hope this issue that these guys are on some kind of track to find Ray. This is the best glimpse we've gotten so far. The story is by Alan Burnett with pencils by Travel Foreman. The next chapter promises to at last give us Ray's location. I won't hold my breath.

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