Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Superman: World of New Krypton #12 - DC

Well . . this issue wraps up what was originally solicited as a 15 issue series. But that quickly changed after the 2nd or 3rd issue. However, this is nowhere near the end of the story. In this issue Kal-El and General Zod finally figure out who is behind these recent murders. It's kind of involved, but . . basically, Superwoman had come to New Krypton, shortly after being formed, and recruited people sympathetic to Earth's position. They included Council member Mar-Li, Alura's assistant Lyra Kam-Par, Tam-Or and Ral-Dar. And finally councilor Wri-Qin. All of which have now been killed except for Wri-Qui. Kal-El goes to confront him. With Wri-Qui holding Kal in a choke-hold, he spills his guts. 'You said it yourself, I'm privileged and greedy. Lane said there'd be positions of power for us within the government of a Krypton ruled by Earth. But then I got to thinking . . why share? My fellow conspirators had done what was asked of them. They'd served their purpose. I wanted their share of the spoils. Simple.' Lane convinced them that if Krypton got defeated quicker that he'd spare the planet. They'd still have their homes . . a place to live . . it would just be a Krypton ruled by Earth. We know that obviously General Lane had a lot more planned than that, but . . the Kryptonians believed him. They actually saw it as a chance to save their people, by diminishing casualties. With this wrapped up . . it appears that Krypton is now in a better position to defend itself, and . . General Zod is aware of Earth's subversive plans. But then . . on the final page of the issue . . Brainiac shows up. Past allegiances and squabbles may just have to be thrown out the window. New Krypton is now probably in for the fight of it's life. Like I said . . this is the final issue, but hardly the end of the story. We continue next into the Superman title, and then next month in the mini-series Superman: the Last Stand of New Krypton. And then in May comes the mini-series Superman: Battle of the Supermen. That's 7 more issues, so . . like I said, this story is far from over. I think James Robinson, Greg Rucka and Pete Woods have done an outstanding job with this series. The next series is by the same team, except Sterling Gates takes over for Greg. And on the third it's James and Sterling, with Aaron Lopresti doing the art. I have a feeling this is going to be a tumultuous year for the relations between Earth and New Krypton. And in the end . . Earth will have gone 2 years without a Superman.

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