Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dark X-Men #4 - Marvel

The purpose of this series is to reintroduce Nate Gray, X-Man, into the Marvel Universe. He never really went away . . not like death or anything. His energy was just dispersed enough that he couldn't bring himself back together. However, Norman has put this psi-division together at HAMMER, where they have hundreds of minds linked together to form one massive brain. There he finds the energy to reestablish his corporeal form. However, in the ensuing battle with Norman's X-Men, he's taxed to his limits and again his energy is dispersed. But he's not lost like he was before. Now . . now he's inside the mind, and taken over the body of Norman Osborn. However, he finds out . . it's not going to be as easy a fit as he thought. Norman is fighting back. But it all seems to be part of Nate's plan. While he's in charge he tries to fix as much of the damage as Norman has caused as he can. It's not much, but he has to make the effort. Meanwhile Norman's X-Men don't know what to do. Mimic and Omega are both overwhelmed by Nate's raw power. So they're all a little apprehensive about the situation. It isn't until Mystique suggests that they use the psi-division to enter Norman's mind that everyone decides to get on board. Although they do still have their reservations. But even that was a situation that Nate knew was coming. He tells Norman . . 'All this . . isn't even a major part of my plan. That should be arriving . . now.' And of course he's talking about the X-Men's arrival into Norman's psyche. 'Didn't thing it through, did you? You're dealing with someone who can sometimes see the future. Everything I've done so far . . has been me waiting for this to happen. You can feel them in there, can't you? Your own inner defenses trying to delay them. To hold them back. Only they're not strong defenses now. You're causing them only slight frustration. Because you're using all your energy . . fighting me! Guess who's coming out to play?' The X-Men open up the 'cell' that they think is holding Norman's mind. They think that Nate has locked him up there. However, they don't know that it's a 'cell' or Norman's design. And the person being held there is actually . . the Green Goblin. I know. We all saw that coming. But . . it was still a pretty cool revelation. So while we thought that this series was all about Nate . . maybe it's actually more about Norman becoming 'all that he can be' once again. Maybe it's about the pieces finally coming together that will prove to be his downfall. So far I think Paul Cornell is writing a very engaging and entertaining story. And Leonard Kirk is doing a great job with the art. I can't wait to see how this one wraps up. Plus . . will Nate be back in the Marvel Universe? And . . is Norman going to become the Green Goblin again? Not that he ever really wasn't. But it looks like the barn-door has been opened.

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