Monday, December 24, 2007

X-Men : Emperor Vulcan #3 - Marvel

I like this book. I really do. I'm a huge X-Men fan. But . . . for some reason . . . I find this particular story-line . . . boring! I mean, it's got a lot of neat ideas. It's full of action. The problem is . . . it just doesn't hold my interest. I like the idea that Scott and Alex have had this brother out there that they had no idea of. And it seems, he was actually an X-man before his 2 older brothers. But the team was supposedly killed during their first mission, so everybody all but forgot about them. Actually though, they had been taken by the Shi'ar. And, while in captivity, they killed his mother right in front of him. Which is where his hatred for the Shi'ar comes from. When he resurfaced, a few months ago, retribution was all that he could think of, so he shot out in to space the first chance he got. He actually all but demolished the Shi'ar throne. And having married Deathbird, put himself in the position as the new Shi'ar emperor. But, shortly thereafter, they were attacked by a new threat. The Scy'Ar Tal. Which literally means "death to the Shi'ar". He thought with this whole empire at his command, and his own elite Imperial Guard, there wasn't much he had to worry about. As it turns out, the Scy'Ar Tal are a very determined race. So much so, that they decided they were going to destroy the Shi'ar planet, Feather's Edge. They did so by teleporting a baby star into the planet's orbit, which then shredded the planet and it's entire population. Over two billion people. So now, Vulcan has come to Alex, and the StarJammers for help. It's a reluctant alliance, but they both know that they won't be able to succeed individually. So half of them have gone to protect the M'kraan Crystal, while the other half has gone to find the technology that enabled them to make such a strike. But, what they didn't expect to find is that the Scy'Ar Tal have what essentially is a solar nursery. They've got dozens 0f baby stars all in one place. "They're using it as an ammo depot." Also this issue, Rachel has come face to face with the Chancellor and his guard. They are the one's responsible for destroying the whole Summer's lineage. Rachel is ready to destroy them all where they stand, but Alex reigns her in. "We have to deal with the crystal first. . . . . once we're done . . . we'll make them all pay. Together. Soon." Like I said, it's a pretty decent story. It's to bad that we had to lose Corsair in the process. But, the artwork is good. It's got a fantastic Billy Tan cover. The work on the inside is really growing on me. It's by Paco Diaz Luque. It's the usual star-spanning, universe engulfing, X-Men epic. I just think it's kind of boring.

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