Monday, December 31, 2007

the Ultimates 3 - #1 - Marvel

What an awesome return for the Ultimate Avengers book. First of all, we have the brilliant scripts of Jeph Loeb. And on this first issue, he settles right in with the characters. He seems to have a handle on every one of them. Next we have the beautiful art of Joe Madureira. We haven't seen him on a regular series of late, so it's especially nice to see him on this book. The artwork is truly breathtaking. Also we have the next incarnation of this awesome team. They've actually been around in the Ultimate universe for, I think, about 4 years now. But, between the first and second incarnation, we've only gotten 25 issues. So I'm hoping, as I'm sure are the rest of you, that with this incarnation maybe we can get back on track as far as publishing. And finally, we have what looks like 2 different covers. But actually its the same cover . . 6 panels . . . but split between 2 books. The one side is all the heroes. The other is all the villains. Fan-frikkin-tastic! My complaint about the Ultimate X-Men was based on lack of originality, and ideas. But this book abounds in them. Just in the first issue we have a sex scandal with Tony Stark and the Black Widow. Actually it's some taped footage of their rendezvous that's been released all across the media spectrum. This upsets Wasp because she's the leader of the team, and also because, I think, she has an "on again, off again" thing going with Tony also. Then we have the relationship between Wanda and Pietro. In this series they're actually in love with each other. Yes they're still brother and sister. But, they're also head over heals in love. About 6 weeks ago, I guess, a 19 year old girl showed up with the powers of the gods. She calls herself Valkyrie. And Thor is head over heals in love with her. Clint Barton is back as Hawkeye. But he's even broodier and self-destructive than he was before. This time he seems to have a real death with. It appears that Henry Pym is a drug addict. And on the final page of this issue, it appears that the Scarlet Witch has been killed. Wow!! That's alot for the first issue. These guys definitely didn't want to ease in to things. What a fantastic book. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of high hopes for this one.

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