Sunday, December 02, 2007

Gen 13 #14 - WildStorm

This was a good book, but, it's just the beginning of a new adventure for our team of misfits. Actually, that's not fair. They're not misfits. They're just trying to play the game with the hand that they've been dealt. The problem is, with their manufactured bodies and pasts, it's like they came in to the middle of the game, with no idea what's going on, or even how to play, but they are still expected to play it out. Luckily they still have free will. And with that free will, they've decided to strike out and try to handle the world together as a team. Now the problem is, the place they've landed. They want to experience the world, and find out how it works, and how they fit in to it. But, with this leg of their bus trip, they've truly landed in the deep end of the pool. New York City! No better place to experience the world. And, no better place to have it eat you alive. I'm all for these kids making it on their own, but I really don't think NYC is the best place for them to start that journey. Sure Michael J Fox overcame it in the Secret of my Success, but, this ain't the movies. They've only been here for a few days, if that long, and already the city is pulling them all in different directions. Meanwhile, IO, after the debacle at Tabula Rasa, is trying to make the most of the assets they already have in place. Right now, that consists of the Gen teams they already have in the field. And, like it or not, our group of teenagers are one of those teams. So now they have a new project starting, called "15 minutes", and headed by Ezra Rothwell and a Mr. Wilson. Coincidentally, both of which are also on their way to NYC right now. The last page of this issue, shows Roxy mingling in what seems to be some kind of teenage pop art group. The man who's selling it is talking to her, and his sales pitch is " . . . really, doesn't everyone deserve their full "15 minutes"?" Like I said, deep end of the pool. Great story and art by Simon Oliver and Carlo Barberi. I guess Gail is gone now, which is why it looks like we're headed in a new direction. Which is cool. But, with this book, the trick is to always . . no matter what the situation or dilemma . . keep it fun. Otherwise it just degrades in to any other normal super-team book. The teenage, and fun, factor keep it different. Please, Please . . don't lose that.

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