Monday, December 24, 2007

Shadowpact #19 - DC

I've liked this book from the beginning, but lately, it actually seems to be getting better. Matt Sturges has been helping Bill Willingham with the scripts the last couple of issues, but, with this issue, it appears that he's taking on the full reigns of the author. And, I have to say, I really enjoyed his first solo outing. With the plethora of characters available to them, from the Oblivion bar, I'm glad to see that they're finally utilizing some of their resources. Zauriel and the Midnight Rider partake in the adventure this issue also. They've been in the last couple. Our team, or part of it, finally decide to try to find Laura. Of course Dr. Gotham's doppelganger initiated it with a mystic note supposedly from her, and an obvious trap. But, they take the chance anyways. It appears that they are overpowered, magically, except that the drama between Gotham and his protege help turn the tide. In the end, they free Laura with little or no damage to themselves. Of course Gotham gets away. We also get a glimpse of our trio trapped in the Nightshade dimension. They were trying to travel through it when Nightshade's powers gave out on her. But now they've found some sort of city, so maybe next issue they'll find some answers as to why they're stuck, and how to get out. We also had a new artist this issue, doing the cover and interiors. Phil Winslade handles all the artistic chores this issue. And, visually, it's a very nice piece of work. My only complaint was that we didn't get to see Blue Devil this issue. But, by looking at the next cover, it appears that will soon be remedied. It's nice to see a "magical" book doing this well.

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