Sunday, December 09, 2007

WetWorks #15 - WildStorm

Apparently, last issue, when Mother One gave herself up to Cassus, she did so out of heroism. She knew that Cassus was intrigued by her, and what her addition to his growing army would mean. But I think she also did it because she was intrigued. She knew that since she was a cyborg, that she most likely would be able to control her transformation better than most. Or, at the very least, would be able to retain her self awareness and a measure of her independence. But mostly, I think, she knew that her sacrifice would afford a respite for Colonel Dane, and he'd be allowed, or able, to leave the tunnels and return to the surface. Cassus wraps her up and displays her for all to see. Supposedly for the benefit of his sister Eleusis. But, I think, mostly for his own benefit. But Eleusis sees it for what it is. She immediately kills Cassus, and then orders the destruction of Mother One, before can become aware. But . . . it's to late. Rachel does indeed become aware, and in her burgeoning anger and appetite, proceeds to single handily wipe out everything that Cassus and Eleusis had built. Until it's just Rachel and Eleusis. Eleusis puts up a better fight than most, but, in the end, it's inevitable. Meanwhile, Queen Arin, the legitimate Queen, has already begun working with IO. She knows that should this war continue at it's current pace, even should her race survive, it would most likely be devastated. So she's chosen to become a peaceful enemy. Persephone, Red, even helps to broker the deal with the UN, and then becomes the Vampire Nation's ambassador to the United States. And in Rumania all that's left to do is clean up and rebuild. They get Mother One to Cyronic Pod, so they can take her back and study her, but not before she puts up a little fight. And like that, the Vampire threat is squelched. My only question is that in the WetWorks Armageddon book, Mother One is not only part of the current team, but also the team in the future. So either she gets better, or IO does something to fix her. But I guess that's a story for another time. Right now, it looks like this is the last issue for the foreseeable future. I've looked at the schedule for books up to June, and I don't see another issue of this title scheduled anywhere. That's too bad. I didn't necessarily like that Vampire stories, but I do like these characters and this team. But, I guess, the fact that in the Armageddon storyline the team is still together in the future, means that sooner or later they'll be resurfacing. Keith Giffen, JM DeMatteis and Joel Gomez have accomplished the impossible task of wrapping up this story line. They actually did it quite neatly too. Hopefully there'll be some new WildStorm titles coming out soon. Because, right now, they seem to be dropping like flies.

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