Monday, December 31, 2007

Justice League Unlimited #40 - DC

This book, lately, has been used to introduce us to the various members of the League. Well . . it's probably more beneficial to the younger readers. But, anyways, Zatanna and Zatara are the stars of this issue. We see a little bit of Doctor Fate, but Zatanna is the real star of the show. We also see the Shadow Thief and the Warlock of Ys. Basically, we're given a conflict that explains a little about Zatanna and Zatara and shows how they use their powers. Like I said, it's probably for the benefit of the less experienced readers. It was a nice simple story . . for the kids, but, I think, this issue got a little long winded. I also buy these books for my nephew, but I can pretty much say with certainty, that he would've become frustrated, or lost interest, in this particular issue. If I was reading it to him, I'd probably just have to skim over most of it. I really did appreciate the story. I just feel that it was a bit over the heads of the younger readers. That being said, I still like this book, and what this whole Johnny DC line is trying to accomplish. All I can say is, just remember your target audience.

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