Sunday, December 30, 2007

Green Lantern Corps #18 - DC

What a fantastic series and story-line this is turning out to be. I loved what Peter J Tomasi did with the story. And I like the way Patrick Gleason and Jamal Igle shared the art chores. Patrick did the action packed stuff. And Jamal did the flashback scenes. Which, really, is what this book was all about. We got to see the formative years of Sodom Yat. He's the new Ion. So it was appropriate that we learned where he came from, and what formed him in to the hero that he is today. His love of the stars came from when he lived on Daxam. The interests of space was an area that most Daxamites shied away from. But not Sodom. And when an alien spaceship crashed on their planet, he was the first to go in search of whatever it was that landed. He ended up finding an alien, and a friend that day. They never really crossed the communication barrier, but they still shared ideas and concepts. They kind of taught each other. However, one day when Sodom returned, he found that his alien had been found out. He was gone, and he never saw him again. He was basically reprogrammed to understand the perils of interaction with aliens species. But, the lesson didn't stick. He still had the same curiosity. He just had to be careful to hide it now. But, in the present, he was in a knock-down, drag-out brawl with Superman-Prime. He's on Earth, fighting with the rest of the Corps and Superman-Prime has decided that he's the one he's going to beat. But this is the first time Sodom realizes what the yellow sun does to his metabolism, and they really go at each other, blow for blow. But Sodom also realizes the threat of his inherent weakness, lead poisoning. He's weakened by it, and I think between that, and Superman-Primes more experience with his powers, he ends up beaten. So this first meeting between these two, didn't end up very well. But this story's going to be carried over in to Green Lantern #25. So, I don't think, that we're anywhere near the end of this yet. "It ain't over till it's over!" Fantastic book!

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