Saturday, December 16, 2006

Ultimate X-Men #76 - Marvel

Again, hats off to Thanks for the assist. Apparently, in the Ultimate universe, Cable is a future version of Wolverine, rather that being a future version of Cyclops. Which begs the question, "Who is Cable's mother?". Wolverine tries to gather up evidence, but when he tries he gets "Nothing! Absolutely nothing! All I can smell is myself." Before Cable departs though, he does abduct Jean though. But, we don't know what that's all about yet. We also get another future visitor, Bishop. He seems to be the leader of X-Force, in this universe, rather that Cable. Cable seems to be on a mission to take down the professor, again we don't know why yet, and Bishop is trying to stop him. But time travel, being what it is, he arrives shortly after him, rather than pre-empting his strike. Love this Ultimate Marvel Universe stuff. I like to see the normal everyday stuff that we take for granted, mixed and shaken up.

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