Saturday, December 16, 2006

1602 Fantastick Four #3 - Marvel

There's a lot of genre's out there right now. There's the new westerns, the Outer
Space drama's, the Sci-Fi epics, the obvious Super-Hero books, and the reality books, dealing with the story not of the heroes but of the people around them. Well now we seem to have the "Moby Dick" genre. I mean, yes the Fantastic Four are in this book, but really it's just a sea story, that happens to have some fantastic characters. Seriously, you could put Sinbad and the Jolly Pirates in here and it would essentially be the same story. I'll give it credit for it's cover though. I don't know it did it, but it kicks ass. But everything else about this book, and this story, swims in mediocrity. I really could go on, but surprisingly, I've read 3 or 4 books today that I didn't like, and I'm tired of the negativity. I want to like this book. I really liked the 1602 concept. But to me, it just doesn't stand up to the first two. Sorry I can't be more positive, but I have to be honest. And there's 2 more to go in this series. Aargghh!

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