Monday, December 11, 2006

Ex Machina #24 - Wildstorm

What do I like about this book? Besides the great set of characters? Besides the fantastic stories of Brian K Vaughan? Besides the always consistent art of Tony Harris? What I like about this book . . . . . . . is that it makes you think. It makes you think about stuff you didn't even realize you had an opinion on. Like, incarceration verses rehabilitation. When did you ever read a comic book that made you think about stuff like that? Or it makes you think about "Nature or Nurture?". Do people really have to be a product of their environment? Then, on top of all this philosophizing, we get a smart story, and a surprise ending. We know that January has been put in her position in city hall, because she blames Mayor Hundred for her sister's death. She's trying to push him in a direction that would discredit and humiliate him. What we didn't know, is that . . . . . . . . Kremlin is behind it. Say what? But that's where the betrayal always comes from, isn't it? Someone who's closest to you, and whom you least expect. That's what I truly like about this book.

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