Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Batman #658 - DC

To bad we can't chain Grant Morrison to a desk and have him write Batman for the rest of his life. But then we be depriving the rest of the comic industry of his brilliance. I know Ostrander and Mandrake are doing the next couple of issues. But then Grant's supposed to be back on board again, for a little while. But to defend him, he has got to be one of the hardest working writers in the industry right now. And probably one of the most sought after too. So, even having him on here for a few issues, is still a treat. Oh and did I forget to mention that Andy Kubert does his pencils? It's perfection! What else can I say? This one, kind of, wraps up the story of Batman's son. I say kind of, because, any story that involves Ra's al Gul, his daughter Talia, or now their son Damian, is never truly wrapped up. There's always plot threads dangling around out there. Well Damian's roughed up Robin and Alfred, so when Batman decides to go out and do something about Talia, he has to take Damian with him. Since Talia is on the other side of the world, he has to use the Bat-Rocket. My name not theirs. Anyways, the banter back and forth between these two is priceless. As they're blasting off Damian states, "You have a rocket." "I have lots of stuff nobody knows about.", is Batman's reply. Then as they're coming to the bottom of their arc, and jettison, Damian says, "I know everything about you." To which Batman replies, "You didn't know about the rocket." Anyways, there's a big battle on the Rock of Gibraltar. Batman takes down the "Man-Bats", Damian goes back to his mother, and the sub that they're on seems to be destroyed in the end. But as I said, the story never truly ends with these characters. I mean, this particular arc, goes all the way back to the "Son of the Demon" storyline. And next issue we have the Joker. Hoo-yah!!!

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