Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Excalibur #13 - Marvel

I really liked Jim Calaflore when he was on Exiles, but, if he had to leave that title, it's nice to see him over here. This is part 1 of a 3 part story on Juggy. It starts out with him getting the snot kicked out of him by the Wrecking Crew. During the melee that follows, one of the crew makes an astute observation. He's talking to Sage and says, "You know I just realized . . . . . you let those two goofs (Pete & Cap. Britian) argue about who's boss, meanwhile . . . . . you're the one really calling the shots." To which Sage replys, "Shh. . . . . not so loud. You'll spoil my little secret." Anyways, I don't know if it's because he's had his chain rattled, or if it has something to do with the Cyttorak gem, but now Juggy is hearing the voices in his head again. At first I thought it was Black Tom, but Juggy goes to the prison he's in to try to talk it out with him. So I think it's something different. That's why I think it's the gem. He's doesn't get to much figured out in his talk with Tom, so it looks like his next stop is the Temple of Cyttorak. I don't think that's gonna' be a whole lot of fun for him either. This is a good book, with great characters. Frank Tieri is doing a great job with the story also.

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