Saturday, July 08, 2006

Teen Titans #37 - DC

Ok, I have a rant to go with, but I'll talk about the book first. Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel. I hope these two stay on this book for a long time to come. They really have a feel for these characters. They've joined up with the Doom Patrol this issue and they're in one of their endless fights with the Brotherhood, who also has some new team members now. Anyways, through the course of this fighting, Robin finally convinces the Doom Patrol, that the Chief is not the altuistic man he is always displaying himself as. His underlying motives begin to come out, and we come to find out that the reason the Brotherhood hate him so much is because essentially Niles created that team too. Some of it's members are actually earlier experiments that failed to create the Doom Patrol. There are some major revalations in this book. We also get some more character development, with Kid Devil, Ravager and especially Cyborg. But in the end Vic and Cassie both decide that they're going to stick around. Cassie also finds out the lengths that Tim has been going to to try to bring back Conner. "I've lost too many people, Cassie. I want one back. I want my best friend back." Then they have a little sad moment together and they end up embracing and kissing. Uh-oh, I don't think that's a good idea. But anyways, awesome book. Now for my rant. The Doom Patrol, this is a team that has been hanging on to the edges for almost 40 years now. They are an awesome team, but nobody's really stuck with 'em for that long. They've had what, 5 or 6 incarnations. Some good, some not so much. Let's quit playing around with this team and do something with them. Quit treating them as a group that can just come out of the closet every few years or so, when some storyline can benefit from them, dust 'em off, rough 'em up, and then put 'em away until some other obscure storyline needs them again. Here's what DC needs to do. Give them to Grant Morrison. I don't mean have him come up with a new concept, I mean actually give them to him. Give him full creator rights. I know he didn't actually create them, but so what. Invest him fully in to them. Let him do whatever the hell he wants. Kill some off, create new ones, let him come up with a continuity that actually ties the last 40 years together. Let him make sense of all the incarnations and how they fit, what their purpose and motivations were, and who is Niles Caulder or Steve Dayton really?? Give it all to him. Let him hand choose the rest of his creative team, and let him do whatever the hell he wants. The only stipulation I would put in the creator agreement is that they stay with DC no matter what, but other than that, open the flood gates. If they do this, and if Grant truly has free reign, I guarantee that within a year or two, this will be the premiere book in the industry. Not just the best DC book, but the best period. It would tear up the charts. I know that this will probably never happen, but if some editor has enough vision, and enough balls, to put this together, the book would be unstoppable. And, maybe I'm missing some of the nuances to the business side of things, but I don't see a down side. Not for the fans, not for the creators and not for DC/Warner Bros.. And if things played out right, there might even be a movie franchise in it's future. A creator owned movie franchise. So Grant could quit saying that the Matrix ripped off his ideas, and show the world what his head can really wrap itself around. This really could blow away everything. Ok, I know I'm dreaming. I know that Grant's done the Doom Patrol before. And I know that chances are no one will ever read this. Especially an Editor at DC that could make a difference. But, if we don't have hopes and dreams, what do we got? I really feel that if they could get Grant truly fully invested in this project, that the sky would be the limit. Ok, I know I've pulled every metaphor out of the book for this, but if I just knew that I could get someone to actually think about, and consider this, I would be happy.

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