Monday, July 31, 2006

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man #10 - Marvel

I don't get it. They bring back this Hobgoblin, from 2211, make us go through all this messed up confusing history, for what? So that Spider-man can throw her pumpkin bomb, or whatever, back at her and BOOM!! she's wiped from the face of history. Kind of anticlimactic, right? Oh, and we also have an Uncle Ben roaming around from another dimension. Who runs into another version of himself, though he doesn't know that, and convinces himself to take matters in to his own hands and he shoots Spider-man. Well, the Spider-man from 2211 anyways. Because he wants to stay on our world and get back together with Aunt May? Or maybe he just wants to stick around so he can kick Jarvis' butt. Either way, WHO CARES??!! This issue and last is a convoluted mess. Don't get me wrong, I love Spider-man. I think Peter David is great. And I really like Mike Wieringo. But this story, SUCKS!! I feel like I completely wasted my time buying and reading the last 2 issues. Thanks guys. Thanks for nothing!!!

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