Saturday, July 15, 2006

Demon #17 - DC

I like the Demon. I like John Byrne. I am glad this is the last issue of this series. Not because of the Demon. I hope that he comes back in a new storyline. But rather because of John Byrne. With this book he has cheated the readers. He has this huge storyline built up with cross-time traveling Demons, 3 to be exact, all fighting for existence. Also all of the Demons supporting cast has been thrown into turmoil and change. Everything is up in the air, and it doesn't look like John's going to be able to write his way out of it. At least not without coming up with some truly original ideas and shaking up the main character a bit. So what does John do? He brings in these "Wishbringers" who work their way through the supporting cast, making tons of changes. Then, they get to the Demon, who's ultimat wish is for everything to go back to the way it was before all of this happened. What??? The last 17 issues have no relevance what so ever?? I wasted $72 on 17 books that turned out to be nothing but a "dream" episode?? Man do I feel cheated!!! This is insane! So now in any future handling of these characters, this last year and a half, will mean nothing. John Byrne, you really bit my ass with this one. Thanks for nothing.

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