Saturday, July 29, 2006

the Battle for Bludhaven #6 - DC

Ok, besides the good story and good art, this book is great because it is going to spin off into so many things. First we have the Freedom Fighters, which we already know is getting thier own mini, hopefully continuing. Then we have Freedom Force, who the Fighters are operating as under SHADE. Since the whole team isn't going to the Fighters, I have to assume that the Freedom Force team will be operating in some capacity under SHADE. So I'm sure we'll see more of them. Then we have the Atomic Family. This is just to cool of a concept to bring into this book just to drop when it's over. So I see them going someplace, Will Magnus, T.O.Morrow, where they'll pop up, or reak havoc or something. Then we have SHADE, and Father Time. You just know that these guys are gonna keep popping up. I can see them in Checkmate or the Titans or the Outsiders. Over the course of the last 5 issues they have been fighting with the containment of Captain Atom's radiation. He's been unconscious and leaking radiation ever since he popped in to the DC Universe from the Wildstorm Universe. So in SHADE's attempt to obtain him, they put him in a containment suit. Coincidentally it looks exactly like the Monitor from Zero Hour. So, since this last big storyline, Infinite Crisis, was tied into the Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline, it looks like now, somehow, they're going to tie the whole thing into the Zero Hour storyline also. Which really was kind of an extension from the original Crisis. Cool stuff. Plus, since gaining consciousness, Cap Atom seems disoriented. So I don't think it would take much to send him over the edge. Plus with everything he's gone through in the last year, he may actually believe he's trying to save the world. Oh yeah, plus when he found out Major Force was involved in the fray, he took him out. And finally we have the Atomic Knights. Since Bludhaven is destroyed, but they still have their base 3 miles underground, I think they'll definitely be back. This is it for this mini, but like I said, almost everything in this book will be back in one form or another very shortly.

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