Monday, August 21, 2006

Civil War : X-Men #2 - Marvel

The Front Line, tells us how the normals in the Marvel Universe are handling the Civil War. This book tells us how the X-men are dealing with the repurcusions. First we see Emma brought in by a Sentinel, like a wayward puppy. She went out to say goodbye to Scott and his team, but the Sentinel saw her, captured her, and brought her back to the school. Valerie Cooper would like to know where they went and what their up to,but Emma isn't giving up anything. So the team of Cyclops, Beast, Iceman and Angel are travelling cross country to find where Domino and Shatterstar took the 198. It's not long before the Sentinel's catch up to them. But they do elude capture. Meanwhile the 198 are at an underground military base in the Nevada desert. They're trying to make the most of it, but while exploring, Caliban comes across a big bunker door that he doesn't like the smell of. General Lazer is using the mutant that makes the little dolls to help try to track his quarry. He doesn't get very far at first, but eventually he comes up with a Cyclops doll. Bishop is leading the Govt. sponsored team that's looking for the Mutants. For not wanting his future to end up like this, he seems to be taking to the role pretty calmly. So just as Cyclops team finds the bunker, Bishop and the Sentinels find Cyclops. And with General Lazer controlling Cyclops, he unleashes his full optic blast on Bishop. He starts to absorb the energy, but eventually he overloads and explodes. Is he dead? Probably not, but we'll have to wait till next issue to find out what happened. David Hine and Yanick Paquette bring us this yarn. It's ok. Predictable, but ok.

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