Sunday, June 25, 2006

JSA Classified #13 - DC

This issue wraps up the Vandal Savage storyline. He's going after Allen Scott, who he, with his "green rock", blames for all the troubles and turmoil in his exhaustingly long life. I mean who would really want to live for 23,000 + years?? I mean, I hate paying utility bills year after year. Imagine if one day you stopped to look back and realized you've been paying electric bills for over 300 years. Or that you've watched 300 years of Sit-Coms, come & go, & come & go, & come & go, & come & go. Eewww! Or that after 300 years of the Simpsons, Bart is still a kid and Maggie still can't talk. There's a comedy act in there for somebody. Take it, and good luck!!! Anyways, I digress. Vandal has made his own clone from his own DNA, but it's flawed because he had to use second-hand equipment. So his idea is to put Allen's blood into the creature which will absorb his DNA and make him better. Kind of holds Allen in high esteem, considering he hates him so much? Anyways, after Allen beats him down, then Vandal returns the favor, Allen calls in the support of his Checkmate contacts and, with some Blackhawk fighters, sanctions the whole area. He's too tired to look for Vandal's body, that's a mistake waiting to happen, and grabs up his Lantern and takes off. Cut to a sub chamber that Vandal and his clone have clawed their way in to, and when he realizes that the clone actually is getting better, uses it apparently to havest the organs necessary to prolong his life once again. The issue ends with him sitting a table, amid the wreckage, eating the hand of his clone. Good story. Next issue we got Gypsy, Vixen, Star Girl and Wildcat. Can't wait to see it.

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