Friday, June 23, 2006

52 Week 6 - DC

Great serial. This is a fantastic book to follow. There's just so many storylines going on. Some are connected. Some aren't. This one starts out with Booster Gold staging a fake fight with fake "Bad Guy" to try to gain some positive publicity. You just know, this ones gonna' come back to bite him in the ass. Then you have Hal Jordan and John Stewart fighting some of China's good guys, maybe, because they're trying to bring in Evil Star. China sees this as an invasion of thier border, so they aim to stop 'em. Then we get to see the weekly discussion between Doc Magnus, and Professor Morrow, who is incarcerated. This storyline going someplace, but I'm not sure where yet. Back to China, and in comes Black Adam. Supposedly at China's aid. But then the Rocket Reds show up to aid the Green Lanterns. Sounds like a big old international mess going on here. Then back to Booster Gold who is trying to find Rip Hunter, so he can try to figure out what's going on with Skeets. He finds one of his old bunkers in Arizona. Rip is nowhere to be found, but all his chalk boards full of calculations say "Time is Broken". The bunker looks like its been inhabited by a conspiracy fanatic. It also says "It's all his fault!" written all over the walls. Booster looks around and finally finds it written by a bunch of his own pictures. Boom!!!! End of story. These guys are putting out a fantastic book. And it's coming out weekly. And the artwork and covers are phenomonal. What else could someone ask for in a book other then to be riveted to it week after week?

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