Saturday, June 10, 2006

Detective #820 - DC

I really liked everything about this issue. First of all, these Simon Bianchi covers are awesome. Every one has been a picture suitable for framing. Second James Robinson's story is right on the money with Batman. The fight in the beginning between Batman and the Scarecrow, with Robin's help, is very well played. During the fight, Batman is holding on a conversation with Commissioner Gordon, and Robin, while fighting and doing a little psychological work on the Scarecrow. Then, later on in the story, there's actually a touching moment between Batman & Robin, where he tells Robin, "I'm very proud of you." Also that he has plans, or ideas, about Tim Drakes future. Then, there is a moment between Batman and officer Harper, who we find out is the Grandneice of Jim Harper, the original Guardian. So something tells me that they have something in store for her in the near future. And the story ends up that they, Batman and Gordon, don't have to continue searching for Harvey Dent, because he's all over the news as Two-Face. I also liked the backup story about a private detective, Jason Bard, that Batman uses to do some of his legwork. After all the guy can't be everywhere at once. So, all in all I felt it was a very well written book. Finally, Leonard Kirk's art. It was fantastic. It's not overly flashy, or eye-popping, but it's just nice, crisp and clean. Great use of shadows. I know a lot of times, an inker can make or break an artist, so props to Andy Clarke also. Kirk and Clarke seem to work very well together, so, my advice to DC, try to keep them together as long as possible. Overall, I really liked the book. Also this "Face the Face" storyline has been very good. This is chapter 7 of 8. Therefore, I suggest, if you haven't tried to find the rest of the story, you should. I like this format where the story bounces back and forth between Batman and Detective. You get a new installment of the story every 2 weeks instead of 4.

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