Sunday, June 11, 2006

Batman Journey into Knight #10 - DC

This is a cool series. At first I wasn't sure if it was a continuing series or not, but, I guess it's a 12 issue maxi. The basic premise is that this is a story in the Batman history, that happens very, very shortly after he decides to don his persona. So early, that his Batmobile looks like an old Chevy Impala that been painted all black. But anyways, it's cool in that you see an unsure Batman, who is trying new things. Sometimes he fails, sometimes he doesn't. But you still see his determination, because he keeps trying. The artist, Tan Eng Haut, is not one of my favorites. He first came on the scene in a Doom Patrol incarnation. Loved the book, not so keen on the art. However, in this book his art fits. First of all his art has improved a little since the Doom Patrol a couple of years ago. Second, it has a simplistic look which fits in perfect for the mood this story is trying to create. I mean this story takes place before any Rogue's gallerey criminals. In fact a comment is made by Batman and Gordon, "the criminal element in Gotham is evolving . . . . into something unpredictable . . . . unbalanced . . . . evil . . . . something I'm not yet prepared to face." But, he better get prepared soon because on the last panel . . . . Joker. The main nemesis, so far, looks like it's going to change next issue, is the Board of Directors of Wayne Industries. Or at least a couple of them. They appear to be living fat off the hog since Thomas Wayne's death. But, now that they see Bruce is getting older, they see him as a threat to their lifestyle, and decide to frame him for a crime to get him out of the way. But, as seen by the last panel, maybe their intentions haven't been as simple as we thought. Or, maybe the two aren't connected, and by being placed in, what I'm guessing is an early Arkym Assylum, Bruce is going to meet up with the Joker before the Batman does. He's dropped off with an Elmo Buchalter, a " . . . patient with priveges. But it sounds to me like he was in charge of the whole damn wing." However, now we see that he is but a pawn of the Joker. So, maybe they're connected, maybe they're not. Anyways, this has been a pretty decent series. But since this is issue #10, there's only 2 left. By the way, the Pat Lee covers have been awesome too.

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