Thursday, June 22, 2006

Exiles #82 - Marvel

This story finally wraps up the World Tour storyline. This issue they're in the Heroes Reborn Universe. This has been a neat trip with them chasing Proteus all over the different universes. I also like the way they shook the team up. The team now consists of Blink, Sabretooth, Longshot, Spider-man 2099, Power Princess and Heather Hudson. Also Mimic, but at the beginning of this issue Mimic is now posessed by Proteus. Kind of ironic that after Proteus used up and burned out all these supposedly super bodies, that the best vessel for his being was right in front of him all along. In fact it was following him and playing tag with him. They finally take him down when Blink 'ports a behavior modifier into Proteus' helmet when he puts it on, and programmed it to access only Morph's memories. So Proeus is still in there but he truly believes he's Morph, and the only way he'll be released is if Morph is killed. So he's trapped in a body that won't ever deteriorate. They all come back to the Crystal Palace, and at the end they do a group hand shake. They're all in and Morph says don't forget about me. At which point they all look at each other as if to say, what have we gotten ourselves into? Good story. I really like Jim Calagiore's art. I think he gets better every issue. Like I said, I really like this book because there is no status quo. You never know from issue to issue who may come or go. Things can change at any time and for any reason. This is anothere book that I didn't think would last this long but I'm glad it did. I hope they keep up this pace for a long time to come.

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