Wednesday, August 05, 2009

the Warlord #5 - DC

Another great adventure of Travis an company in the lost world of Skartaris. Travis and McBride have gone through the portal, in the mountains, back into the 'real' world to get some armaments to better fight Ned Hawkins. While there, Travis learns that McBride was involved in the civil-war that went on in Belfast. But he doesn't learn which side he was on. Meanwhile, Tara and Jennifer are leading the Shamballan army to the Shadow-lands. And Tinder and Alysha are traveling the countryside trying to stir up some more recruits. Also, Shakira has been a little busy herself traipsing around Deimos' castle trying to get some intel on Ned, Dr Kate Archer and Mariah. All these forces come together as they begin to enter the Shadow-lands, but . . at the same time Ned has figured out how to get the Atlantean vessels working. He comes blasting out of the castle, and brings the mountain down on top of Tara and the army. Travis doesn't know if they've survived, or not. I like the way that Mike Grell writes these stories. I always have. Travis has a superb supporting cast, and Mike covers all the bases when writing about them. I think Chad Hardin is doing a great job with the art on these stories, but . . you gotta love those covers by Mike. From what I understand, there's an issue coming up in which he's also going to do the interior art. That'll be a treat. All I know is that if my cat could pull off a trick like Shakira . . I'd probably never leave the house. Or at least I'd feel better about working so hard to provide such a nice place for them to stay. Meeeoooww! All kidding aside . . I love this book. And I'm thrilled that it's back on the stands again. I just hope it lasts longer than the last try at this . . please!

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