Wednesday, August 26, 2009

the New Avengers #56 - Marvel

The best part about this issue was watching Bobbi kick some butt. Last issue, one of the Hood's gang, Dr Jonas Harrow had reverse-engineered a piece of Stark tech that was designed to sap a heroes powers. Basically, to shut them down. So one of the Wrecking Crew goes out into Times Square and calls out the Avengers. They want to test it out. When they show up, they all go down like rocks. That is, except for Bobbi who doesn't have any enhanced abilities. She's like the female Batman of the Marvel Universe. Sort of. Maybe not. Anyways, Spider-man tries to help her. He doesn't have any powers right now, but he can still use his web-shooters. Unfortunately, all that does is piss them off. Clint also tries to help to. You know how he feels he has to protect Bobbi all of the time. But that whole thing raises a question. Why did Clint go down? He doesn't really have any enhanced abilities. Just his fighting and archery prowess. Hmmm! Anyways, Luke takes the biggest hit because the device appears to have brought on a heart-attack. He tries to fight back, but he's dealing with his own pain and anguish right now. It's only a matter of time before there's to many of them for Bobbi to fight. That's when the Sentry shows up. He floats in the air and makes his usual threatening announcement, and then . . he drops, powerless and changes into Bob. When the rest of the Dark Avengers show up . . they keep their distance. But that doesn't stop the good Doctor because he hacks into the Patriots armor. Norman is pissed. But there's nothing he can do. He then brings all of them down also. When the awaken, they find themselves surrounded by a plethora of the Hood's followers. Meanwhile, the Hood is in Cuba, with Loki, trying to get his powers back. She turns him on to the Stones of Norn. Which are supposed to give him magical powers, as he's used to, but . . we don't know exactly what's going to happen yet. Basically he's at the whim of the stones. And as Loki mentions, she doesn't know how long they'll decide to stay with him either. Ok, I take my opening statement back. The best thing about this book was watching Norman get humiliated by this Dr. Harrow. The second best thing was watching Bobbi in action. Brian Bendis writes it, and Stuart Immonen does the art. The story was ok. A little simple, but . . ok. But Stuart's art didn't quite look like Stuart's art. It just didn't have that flare that it usually does. There were a few pages that looked pretty sweet, but . . there were lots of panels in-between that looked kind of rushed. I'm not complaining. I really like his stuff. It's just something that I noticed. Overall I liked the book. But . . if the Dark Avengers hadn't shown up . . it would've been kind of boring.

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