Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Secret Six #12 - DC

Well . . it ends up that Jeanette is the Banshee. I didn't make that connection. It caught me completely by surprise. I knew there was more to her character than we'd previously seen, but . . I wasn't really expecting this. I like it when I can be surprised. Anyways, Diana showed up at the end of last issue . . as you can see by the cover . . and has no problem taking out most of our team of misfits here. That is, except for Jeanette. She put up a pretty good fight. And then? Then she turned into the Banshee, and with her scream took Diana out. Afterwards, Scandal and Bane head back to the barracks with Jeanette and Artemis. They're objective is to get off the island while Deadshot, Cat-man and Ragdoll hold off thier employers. The boys think they have a pretty good chance though . . they have something to offer them in return . . Diana. As it turns out, her presence seems to be what this whole operation was all about. It seems this mister Smythe is trying to recreate the nine circles of hell beneath this island. And, much like Dante's original story, at the end the devil is shackled. Mr Smythe has his own devil shackled and he's hungry. He's hungry for Amazon flesh. I think Gail Simone is doing a great job with this book. I'm glad that they decided to bring this team back, and not just as a mini-series. There's a lot of potential here, and I think Gail is just getting started. Plus, I think, Nicola Scott's pencils get better and better with every issue. I love her stuff. This issues cover is by Daniel Lu Visi. It looks pretty good. Huh?


  1. I think Jeanette's a banshee, rather than "the banshee". Dunno if you're thinking of the Silver Banshee or what, but I did get the impression from earlier issues that Jeanette was a banshee.
    I cant remember if it was explicitly stated, or just implied, mind you.

  2. I absolutely agree with your review of this one. I actually just read it and really loved it. I only started reading SS with the two 'tweener issues just before this, latest arc began.

    The art is awesome and Gail's writing is just great. This issue made me want to go back and re-read this arc from the beginning.
