Sunday, October 15, 2006

JSA Classified #17 - DC

This issue Hourman, Rick Tyler, teams up with Bane. It appears Bane, in his attempt at self rehabilitation, planned on returning to Santa Prisca, overthrowing the mobs, and setting his people free. Well there were a couple of problems. One, the mobs didn't want to be overthrown. Two, there was a new drug on the street that was so addictive that to withdraw would mean death. On top of that, it was a form of the Venom that he took to become Bane. A much deadlier form. So once the mob's Venom strengthened goons take him down, they hook him back up with the tubes that make him Bane. Only this time he can never go back. The mobs want Bane to kidnap Rex Tyler, Rick's dad and original Hourman. But Bane has other plans. He figures that with Rex's and Rick's help, they should be able to come up with an antidote to the Venom. The first twist is that the Phamacist that made up the drug works for Bannerman Pharmecuticals, Rex's old company. After breaking in and retrieving the files they learn the second twist, the Venom formula that was developed by the Army and used to turn Bane into who he is today, was all based on Rex's original research. So, in Bane's words, "Like it or not, Rex Tyler, you are responsible for what I am today! And that is something you will pay for!" This time we're just on a 2 part story, so this one will wrap up next issue. It's written by Tony Bedard and drawn by Scott McDaniel. It really is a great book, both storywise and visually.

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