Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hawkgirl #56 - DC

Kendra has been having a lot of bad dreams lately. Dreams that have been haunting her and keeping her awake. This issue she decides to do something about it. So she goes down in to the bowels of the museum, and smashes the wall where the tunnel in her dreams should be. Lo and behold, it is there. And it looks exactly like her dreams. Now what she doesn't know is that 2 people are trailing her, Khimaera and Hath Set. Khimaera is just set on killing her, or feeding her to the extradimensional warp, the Maw, that Kendra doesn't know about, but is in the tunnel that she's exploring. Hath Set, in his current incarnation, is looking to do the same, but since he knows that the Khimaera is also after her, he's willing to step back and see how the chips fall before he makes his move. Well the Khimaera attacks Kendra in the hallway, because she's hoping to feed her to her master, the Maw, but Kendra doesn't go without a fight. Hath Set ends up getting a little to close and when Khimaera looks into his eyes, the Maw recognizes that he is a double spirit also, as is Kendra. So it will be just as happy to eat him. Which really works for Kendra. She ends up throwing both of them in, and the Maw explodes and collapses. Now Hath Set isn't gone, because his spirit fled the body before it was completely sucked in. So you know he'll be back. And I can't imagine the Maw and the Khimaera would be gotten rid of so easy. Plus they're probably pretty ticked at Kendra right now too. But it was enough to wrap up the storyline for now. Simonson and Chaykin fit together well. And they especially have a good feel for this book. I'm looking forward to next issue.

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