Thursday, November 30, 2006

What If? #1 - Featuring Avengers Disassembled - Marvel

I'm really not a huge "What If?" fan, but since this was the first in a series, I thought I'd pick it up. Marvel is doing their "What If's?" a little different this time. They're taking major events in the Marvel Universe and then doing a theme related 1 book issue on that story. Interesting idea. Hope it all works out for them. This one focus' on the "Avengers Disassembled" storyline. Or more specifically, Wanda's role in it. The premise is, "What if the Scarlet Witch hadn't acted alone?". Jeff Parker and Aaron Lopresti do a very good job with this story. The only thing I really don't like about the "What If's?", is that they seem kind of forced. I mean, the original stories are written in the context of the characters that are in them. And they act, and are part of the story, according to previous actions and history. Also, usually, when a story like this happen it is a setup to exact a change, either in the Marvel Universe as a whole, or to a specific character. These stories, in their nature, go specifically against the original intention, or purpose of that story. So, in order to make them work, we get a sense that the story is forced out of it's original nature, and into a new one. I'm not blaming anyone, writer or artist, it's just the natural occurrence when you take a specific story and force it into a new direction. This one ends up being Captain America's fault. When he was having the affair with Wanda, he started getting an idea of what the actual extent of her powers were. He then started formulating a plan to manipulate her into using those powers to make the world into a better place. A simpler place. A place more like the world he left behind when he was frozen. This plan however was upset by Hank's inquisitive mind. What I actually did like about this story though, was the ending. After the heroes upset the plan, and take down Steve and Wanda, Hank gets to see what would've happened if he hadn't interfered. He gets to see several different scenarios, and in almost every one, the world ended up in a better place than where it was now heading by his actions. I like the ironic twist. Over all a decent story. It did feel forced, but I like the ending.

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